Hope you all have the third issue of the Voice in your hands by now... and that you've checked out the ad on the back page, which explains that you can show off your favorite new publication by buying a t-shirt, a mug, a tote bag, or--yes, even a thong!
We hope to make more items with various sayings available in the future, and if you have suggestions, please let us know. We hope to see you sporting the Voice logo around town very soon!
Cafe Press? A THONG to support the publication? These ideas look familiar, Tim, but of course, RU didn't have the foresight to let me use my brilliant marketing ideas!
Tim, I used to distribute the New River Free Press in Floyd and sometimes wrote for the paper. I haven't seen an issue of the The New River Voice yet. Can you send me a copy: Colleen Redman PO BOX 81 Floyd 24091. I also have a blog http://looseleafnotes.com
PS I would also like to introduce the paper to the Floyd community via the homespun newsletter we've been doing here for over 20 years (A Museletter). We used to trade with the Free Press. So, do you have a press release or mission statement I can use for the December Museletter?
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