Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hey Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

OK, so maybe a lot of dimes. Things are continuing to move forward for the New River Voice. We've made considerable progress in just about every area except for advertising. Our ad sales reps are just now hitting the streets but don't wait for them to come to you! Go ahead and contact us.

We'll be distributing 10,000 copies of the Voice every two weeks and we're running special deals for those who jump on the bandwagon now--a reward for those who have faith in us before the first issue is printed. Contact us for more advertising info!

If you'd like to have a few copies of the New River Voice at your place of business, we'd love to have you as one of our distributors. Contact distribution@newrivervoice.com for that request.

I am looking forward to you joining us to create a better sense of community in our area and in opening up the kind of dialog and debate that is often missing in today's society. And if you just want to pick up our publication for the calendar of events, that's OK, too! We'll have something for everyone!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Too Legit ...

It's odd how certain things make you feel like a more legitimate business. Just this past week, we got our business cards printed. Somehow, the ability to hand someone a card makes the New River Voice seem that much closer to becoming a reality. But what REALLY is making it seem closer to a reality is the fact that sales reps have their cards and sales kits in hand and are actually hitting the streets to sell the New River Voice.

Look for other updates to come soon.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Progress Continues

Starting a new publication isn't quick or easy, but I'm sure hoping that it's personally rewarding. And I think it will be. One of the reasons that I think it will is because it will strive to build a better sense of community in our area. I'd like to see that happen on different levels: more sense of community within YOUR neighborhood, YOUR zip code, the New River Valley, and Southwest Virginia as a whole.

To build this sense of community, I'll need your help. If you are a writer, photographer, or graphic designer, we could use your talents. Contact us at editorial@newrivervoice.com.

We need people to sell advertising for the New River Voice, and we definitely need advertisers to buy ads for the paper edition of the Voice as well as its Web site. If you're interested in becoming a Voice advertiser, contact us at advertising@newrivervoice.com.

And not to be forgotten, we need many, many distribution points throughout the New River Valley. If your place of business is available as a drop point for the New River Voice, contact us at distribution@newrivervoice.com.

We're looking forward to serving the New River Valley and building those strong ties that will make us better as an overall community.